Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Its been a very busy year so far and i have lost to
share with you in the next few months - but
something i was working on last year was a new
contemporary book about papercuting artists.
And its now almost there and will be out in April
But i thought I'd give you a sneak peek!

Includes lots of work by beautiful papercutting
artists and they have included me! Will post up
some pictures once i get the final draft! x


Cap'n NikNak said...

WOW! That is truly exciting :) :) Congratulations!!Cant wait to read and possibly buy the book it definitely seems like something that would inspire people, just like you do :) All the best x

Jonessta said...

Oooh I'm so excited I'm going to preorder it today =D Congratulations on being involved in such an amazing project! I hope one day to be able to participate in something similar, it can be my something to aim for =) x

Hannah Nunn said...

How very exciting. Can't wait to see. who is publishing it? I'm working on a book about contemporary craft lighting atthe mo so I know what goes into it. Congratulations

emily said...

Thanks for your comments and support, can't wait to see it!
Hannah Numm - it's being published by chronicle books in San Fransisco. x