Hi guys just want to let you know that i am not ignoring my blog
- instead i am currently creating a brand new one!
It is going to be much more exciting and talk about all
things I find inspiring as well as what I'm up to work wise.
So do pop back in the next month or so, so that you can see all the
goodies i have in store for you!
Emily x
- instead i am currently creating a brand new one!
It is going to be much more exciting and talk about all
things I find inspiring as well as what I'm up to work wise.
So do pop back in the next month or so, so that you can see all the
goodies i have in store for you!
Emily x
Hi Emily, just came to check out your work after meeting you yesterday and so pleased to discover you are the person behind these beautiful paper cut prints - I have seen them around since moving to Edinburgh and have been mulling over a 'Caledonia' print from Curiouser & Curiouser (or was it Homer?)... Now my decision is made, knowing who the person is behind the work!
love your work..amazing papercuts at artwarming.wordpress.com
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